Slack have decided to start training AI on enterprise customer data, including DMs, private workspaces and files. You have to have admin opt out via email. HT @Quinnypig

whenever anyone uses the phrase "for the time being" i like to capitalize it in my head.

"ive done all i can for the Time Being"

"for the Time Being, these are the available options"

"this is the situation for the Time Being"

all hail the Time Being

Ilan #Pappe was detained in Detroit Airport and the content on his phone was copied before he was allowed to leave. I don't like sharing links to other social media but this seems important news and I couldn't find it here to boost it.


“What is the point of having power," she says, "if you will not use it to stop crimes against humanity?”
Jewish Presidential appointee Lily Greenberg Call resigned in protest at its refusal to stop arming Israel. It's an astonishing letter.
Update: a few minutes after tweeting this, her X account was suspended 🤨

#USPolitics #GazaGenocide #StopArmingIsrael

Alt-texters please note that pages 2 and 3 have a huge amount of citations and footnotes, which I have not included.

In which an LLM skeptic demonstrates that any LLM with enough access to be useful is a vector for RCE vulnerability

Hello, folks. I'm throwing this request out into the universe in the hopes that it can be responded to this week.

I picked up a freelancer/contract gig and I'm looking for an attorney who practices in British Columbia who can look over the contract for me. I'm willing to pay for up to one hour of someone's time to do this sometime during the next week or so. Are you the person I'm looking for? Boosts/reposts appreciated.
#BCLegal #BCAttorney

What is the ideal interval between adjacent strings on an instrument?

Eventually there were soft colours, a little pink and a little green, but always relatively subtle even as the light got bright enough to be totally unmissable and unmistakable.

By contrast, the photos (predominantly 60-second exposures) pick up a much more intense set of colours. I have processed these to bring it out a little, but even fresh of the camera they had really rich greens and pinks in them, some also with deep blues which I think are areas that were just too dim to see with the naked area. The ones for which I pointed the camera lower also have the beach with blurry people, and the lights reflecting on the sea. The ones pointing towards the apparent origin remind me of Star Trek TNG visual effects.

What the camera gains in colour richness it loses in motion and expansiveness. Even with a wide angle lens I couldn't remotely capture the sense of this being a huge thing surrounding the entire planet.

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I've seen a few people talk about photo editing and the ways modern digital cameras construct images, and the aurora is the perfect test case for all that. Of course, our eyes are always constructing images from partial information too, but this happens to be a case when cameras and eyes do so very differently, and I find it really interesting how untrue these photos are to the experience in person.

When we arrived, there was a faint enough white glow in the sky that other people were arguing about whether it was aurora or a cloud catching light pollution. We knew it had to be aurora because we could see stars through it, and over the next half hour or so it intensified a lot. A very strong sense of radiating out from a point, which was much further South than I had expected it to be - almost a little SW of us. And there was constant movement, never fast but also never static. [2/3]

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I realise it's been talked about plenty on here already, but seeing the aurora on Friday really was a wonderful experience. I wanted to process the photos that night, but we had a ferry to catch in the morning so I had a little delay; here they are: [undescribed photos at link; I'll describe them as a group in this thread]

I hadn't even been planning to go anywhere for this, but on the day I started seeing pictures from Europe and decided I wanted to be part of this thing. So we booked a car, and went first to a park on the south shore of a lake, only to find that it closes at dusk and the contracted private security guard actually does kick you out so he can lock the gate and go home. Which was disappointing, but then when we got to Island View Beach it felt like finding the rave. So many people, just all marveling at this extraordinary thing together, quietly enough that we could still hear the frog chorus.

this is an interesting hypothesis about the LLM fad: that they fool people the way that psychic-reading con artists do

we haven't seen enough of what LLMs produce to tell, but we're curious what others think of it.

- 🐰 (?)

Software Update: 2032 will mark the 25th birthday of iPhone. This notification is from 2030 and allows iPhone users with M4 tachyon modulator to provide feedback on future features. Choose features that you want to see in the 25th Anniversary iPhone:

#Tootfic #MicroFiction #PowerOnStoryToot

White people in ski town: “Dear Native American, please come paint art about the struggle of native peoples.”

Lakota artist: *Paints a piece referencing Palestine, with proceeds supporting the UN Crisis Relief Fund*

White people in ski town: “Stay in your lane!” *Revokes residency program*

#Colorado #Palestine #Gaza #Israel

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Hometown is adapted from Mastodon, a decentralized social network with no ads, no corporate surveillance, and ethical design.