

703 pages

French language

Published Dec. 30, 2008 by R. Laffont.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Au milieu du XIXe siècle, Sir John Franklin monte une expédition polaire pour découvrir le passage du Nord-Ouest. L'entreprise tourne au désastre quand les deux navires sont pris dans les glaces. Prisonniers de cet enfer blanc, torturés par la faim et la maladie, les hommes devront faire face aux assauts incessants d'une mystérieuse créature aux griffes acérées. [Memento].

24 editions

Review of 'The Terror' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Nearly two months after I started it, the slog through Dan Simmons' The Terror is at an end. Like the inevitably doomed mission of the characters, this story is devoid of humor and hope.

The premise is simple enough - a historical mystery presented as narrative, with possible explanations and occult phenomena worked into the plot. Chapters told from the perspective (and voice) of individual crewmen worked very well. The ending was interesting and enjoyable, and helped me understand the monster who lurked through the first half of the book.

Other parts of the book were very uneven. Said monster was a major point to the plot, then mostly vanished. Uneven timing of the earlier narrative worked well, but then was abandoned. Captain Crozier has a nasty habit of mentally accounting for his crew, living and dead, and the author shares each mental word with us. Yes, this proves that …