kiki reviewed Count Zero by William Gibson
Classic cyberpunk
4 stars
It takes a while until the suspense eventually builds up. Otherwise, a great cyberpunk read, but with less cyber than Neuromancer had.
Spanish language
Published Oct. 13, 1998 by Minotauro.
Turner, mercenario corporativo, despierta en un cuerpo reconstruido, con una bella mujer a su lado. Luego, la Corporación Hosaka lo reactiva para una misión más peligrosa que aquella de la que se está recuperando: el jefe de I+D de Maas-Neotek deserta. Turner es el asignado para sacarlo intacto, junto con el biochip que perfeccionó. Pero esto demuestra ser de supremo interés para otras partes, algunas de las cuales no son ni remotamente humanas. Bobby Newmark es completamente humano: un estafador de datos del cinturón industrial totalmente desprevenido para lo que se le presenta cuando la deserción desencadena una guerra en el ciberespacio. Con vudú en la Red y un precio por su cabeza, Newmark cree que solo está tratando de salir con vida. Una parábola del futuro con estilo, inteligente y aterradoramente probable y secuela de Neuromancer
It takes a while until the suspense eventually builds up. Otherwise, a great cyberpunk read, but with less cyber than Neuromancer had.
I read this series as they came out, back in the 80s. After a few years of classic SF and Fantasy, it was good to come back to Gibson's cyberpunk, and younger me would have rated it 4 stars. For present day me, reading only months later, it rates less.
This story is the same setting at Neuromancer, but basically stands alone. Where the original was a heist plot, this is more of a tapestry - various threads that weave together and eventually meet. Of these threads, the strongest story is the most heist-like - the professional and the extraction team. The other threads were less memorable, even though one of them contained the title character.
Does it work? Yes, but slowly. This one took me far longer to finish than it should have. Will I finish the series? Absolutely, and not just because it is part of a reading …
I read this series as they came out, back in the 80s. After a few years of classic SF and Fantasy, it was good to come back to Gibson's cyberpunk, and younger me would have rated it 4 stars. For present day me, reading only months later, it rates less.
This story is the same setting at Neuromancer, but basically stands alone. Where the original was a heist plot, this is more of a tapestry - various threads that weave together and eventually meet. Of these threads, the strongest story is the most heist-like - the professional and the extraction team. The other threads were less memorable, even though one of them contained the title character.
Does it work? Yes, but slowly. This one took me far longer to finish than it should have. Will I finish the series? Absolutely, and not just because it is part of a reading challenge. Would I recommend it? Hrmmm... tentatively yes, but only if you enjoyed Neuromancer. This is more of the same with less direction.