The Space Merchants

Hardcover, 158 pages

English language

Published Dec. 30, 1969 by Walker and Company.

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4 stars (1 review)

One of the most savage and devastating attacks on modern consumer society and the advertising agents who are its high priests, THE SPACE MERCHANTS is uncomfortably prophetic. Two major advertising agencies are fighting for the Venus account--nothing less than total control of the Venus economy and markets. It is a mere bagatelle that Venus is a harsh, unspeakably hostile planet, so far uninhabited. Fowler Schocken Associates, in the person of the Venus project's Vice President, Mitchell Courtenay, have no doubt that they can "persuade" colonists to go there, and once there, they will just have to survive as best they can. The Schocken firm has one major rival, Taunton Associates, Taunton may have lost the final round, but the war is not yet over. The client Congress and the puppet President are in no position to interfere as commercial warfare becomes even more bitter. There is no one force, however, …

19 editions

Review of 'Space Merchants' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

First published in 1952, this book shows a future with advertising agencies on top of the heap, and life isn't pretty for the rest of us. The environment is shot, cities are crowded and food tasteless (and very much GMO).

By coincidence, I was reading this at the same time as [b:The Evening Star: Venus Observed|1911358|The Evening Star Venus Observed|Henry S.F. Cooper Jr.||1913297], and unlike other science fiction from the early 50s, Venus was known to be hot and inhospitable. Scientists have a plan to terraform and colonize, led by advertising executive Mitch Courtenay.

I enjoyed the twists and turns of the plot and nodded at some of the foresight. At the time this book didn't rate any award nominations, but it is now on several recommended lists and the SF Masterworks. It is also relatively short, and definitely worth a read. Frederick Pohl penned a sequel 32 years later, …