reviewed The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams (Hitchhikers Guide #1)
5 stars
One of the best sci-fi novels ever written.
Paperback, 204 pages
deutsch language
Published Sept. 1, 1999 by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag GmbH & Co KG.
Es hätte so ein schöner Tag werden können - bis Arthur Dent feststellt, dass sein Haus abgerissen werden soll. Macht aber eigentlich nichts, weil kurz darauf auch die Erde gesprengt wird, um einer Hyperraum-Umgehungsstraße Platz zu machen. Diesem Schicksal kann Dent gerade noch entgehen - dank seines außerirdischen Freundes Ford Prefect und des intergalaktischen Weltreiseführers.
One of the best sci-fi novels ever written.
È il libro che consiglio di leggere a tutti, posso dire che ha rappresentato per me una parte importante della mia vita. Lo rileggo spesso e non faccio a meno di divertirmi ogni volta.
42 years later and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is still as absurdly funny, insanely perceptive and shockingly relevant as ever.
I still love the babel fish!
Most of the fun stems from its unpredictability. There are also some hilarious quotes in here. But, besides its gags, it doesn't have a lot to offer. The only theme to it is that (human) life is largely insignificant. But it's only explored superficially. Especially when rereading, the book can become somewhat of a bore.
Beh è spassoso e divertente! Il sarcasmo è pungente ma, ahimè, la storia è citata così tanto rovinare un po' la lettura. Comunque sagace!
Read with daughter, 8. Her rating much the same as mine, a 5.
Started with the "More Than Complete" but it wasn't grabbing her, so we switched to the illustrated version. Next we will watch the TV series, then the movie.