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Mastodon: @LaukanHenkka
Oululainen kirjoja rakastava pelinörtti, jolle Fediverse on uusi tuttavuus. Suosikkikirjailijoihin lukeutuvat Brandon Sanderson, Joe Abercrombie ja Patrick Rothfuss.
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Henkka Laukka's books
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Henkka Laukka rated Mort: 5 stars

Mort by Terry Pratchett (Discworld -- 4)
Terry Pratchett's hilarious fourth Discworld novel established once and for all that Death really is a laughing matter....
'He is …
Henkka Laukka started reading Sourcery by Terry Pratchett

Sourcery by Terry Pratchett
When last seen, the singularly inept wizard Rincewind had fallen off the edge of the world. Now magically, he's turned …
Henkka Laukka finished reading Mort by Terry Pratchett (Discworld -- 4)
Henkka Laukka finished reading The witchwood crown by Tad Williams (The last king of Osten Ard -- book 1)
Henkka Laukka started reading The witchwood crown by Tad Williams (The last king of Osten Ard -- book 1)

The witchwood crown by Tad Williams (The last king of Osten Ard -- book 1)
More than thirty years have passed since the events of the Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn trilogy, and the world has …
Henkka Laukka started reading Mort (Discworld) by Terry Pratchett (Discworld (4))

Mort (Discworld) by Terry Pratchett (Discworld (4))
Mort is a fantasy novel by British writer Terry Pratchett. Published in 1987, it is the fourth Discworld novel and …
Henkka Laukka finished reading Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #3)
Henkka Laukka started reading Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett (Discworld, #3)
Discworld #3, kehoni on valmis.
Henkka Laukka finished reading The Future of Work: Compulsory by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries #0.5)
Henkka Laukka finished reading All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Henkka Laukka started reading All Systems Red by Martha Wells
Henkka Laukka finished reading The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
Henkka Laukka started reading The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett

The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett
The Light Fantastic is a comic fantasy novel by Terry Pratchett, the second of the Discworld series. It was published …