Got Parts?

An Insider's Guide to Managing Life Successfully with Dissociative Identity Disorder , #1

English language

2 stars (1 review)

2 editions

reviewed Got Parts? by A T W (New Horizons in Therapy, #1)

Heavy on authority

2 stars

We wanted to read something about living that good life while being plural, and this was the one title we remembered. I can imagine that this was really important when it was published, but folks have built on it since then. For every topic in the book, I've read things on the internet that make more sense to me, explain it with more nuance, offer advice that goes better with my understanding of people and the world. A lot of the advice in here involves contracts, rules and control, things that we haven't found helpful so far.

There were two things that we took from it and found helpful: One is tapping/EFT, which for some reason appeals to us – we haven't read deeper into it. The other one are these four questions to figure out what is going on: "Who's here? What's going on for you? What do you …


  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Dissociative disorders
  • Neuropsychology
