Zwischen zwei Sternen

paperback, 460 pages

German language

Published Jan. 25, 2018 by Fischer.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

»Zwischen zwei Sternen« ist Becky Chambers zweiter Science-Fiction-Roman aus dem Wayfarer-Universum - eine optimistische Space Opera mit High-Tech-Städten auf fremden Planeten, künstlichen Intelligenzen, außergewöhnlichen Aliens und einer gehörigen Portion Tiefgang. Früher hatte Lovelace ihre Augen und Ohren überall. Als KI-System der Wayfarer bekam sie alles mit, was auf ihrem Raumschiff passierte, und sie sorgte für das Wohlbefinden der Crew, für die Lovelace immer mehr eine Freundin war als nur ein System. Dann kam der totale Systemausfall. Ihre Crew sah nur eine Möglichkeit, Lovelace zu retten: ein Reboot all ihrer Systeme. Als sie aufwacht, ist sie in einem Bodykit gefangen, eingeschränkt auf modifizierte menschliche Körperfunktionen - in einer Gesellschaft, in der eine solche Umwandlung verboten ist. Doch Lovelace ist nicht allein: Pepper, eine chaotische Technikerin, die ihr Leben riskiert hat, um die Künstliche Intelligenz zu retten, hilft Lovelace, ihren Platz in der Welt zu finden. Denn Pepper weiß selbst nur zu …

12 editions

reviewed A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers (Wayfarers, #2)

I Cried

4 stars

The dual stories, told in short, impactful chapters is such a powerful mechanism, and Becky Chambers wields it perfectly.

Both stories are riveting for their own, very different reasons. But both have to do with social justice, and personhood denied.

I found myself getting to the end of one chapter and being oh but I want to stay with this character! only to get embroiled in the other character's chapter immediately.

It's like an anti-cliffhanger. Rather than leaving you hanging, it pulls you in to the next segment, and then pulls you right back into the following.

If you liked The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - the previous entry by Becky Chambers, then I can super-recommend this.

reviewed A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers (Wayfarers, #2)

The two main characters just weren't for me

3 stars

Thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the story, but I felt like I had to do the work to relate to the characters. They both start off at points in their lives that are unique, interesting - and hard to wrap my head around. The author does a great job giving them distinct voices and letting them grow over time, but I just found them too far removed to really get into the book.

The secondary characters, however! I really loved reading about them from the perspectives of the protagonists, and as always, the interactions are wonderfully crafted.

feel good but real scifi too

4 stars

i enjoyed A Closed and Common Orbit even more than the prequel one. (which has not enough story to keep up--for my taste at least) i think of it as a kind of double bildungsroman, with two developing characters between which the novel is split.

Chambers connects her scifi(-world) convincingly and smoothly with the problems most of us are facing and can relate to. it's how scifi should comment the present. and although the focus is always on the personalities, there are also a lot of social themes and thoughts.

a lot of readers mention the caring characters throughout the story, which make it so satisfactional to follow. I can support that! but it would be sad to think, it's just another form of escapism, a tweak to the genre. this is a shortcoming of understanding the themes Chambers is working on.

the real impact makes Chambers skill in building …

made me cry more than once

5 stars

I absolutely adored this book. I realise that part of this is that it was a perfect little escape while I was stuck at home with covid, but I do also think it's really wonderful.

It has some similar strengths to the first in the series, in that it's mostly about the relationships between a few outcast characters that become a chosen family and just happen to be in space. But if anything I think it's better written (I guess Chambers getting into her stride with book 2), and benefits from being a more focussed story of a smaller number of characters. And has some weightier things to say about embodiment, the tension between fitting in and freedom, and loyalty & reciprocity.

I am excited about the rest of the series.

Review of 'A Closed and Common Orbit' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

When we last saw her, Lovelace left Wayfarer with Pepper, to get away from the crew that sorely missed her previous self. Now, she has to learn to live while recognizing she's outlaw in the strictest sense: if authorities notice she's an AI, it means a certain death sentence.

A Closed and Common Orbit has two story lines: one is about Sidra learning to cope her new life of not being installed in a ship but possessing a body kit. The other is about Pepper's childhood as a genetically engineered factory slave. Both stories deal with definition of life and surviving in a hostile environment. Sidra's story is more about the former, Pepper's about the latter, and together they complement each other even if they rarely mix.

[b:The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet|22733729|The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)|Becky Chambers||42270825] was a feel good story …

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5 stars