We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Paperback, 158 pages

English language

Published Jan. 8, 2009 by Peguin Group.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

We Have Always Lived in the Castle is a 1962 mystery novel by American author Shirley Jackson. It was Jackson's final work, and was published with a dedication to Pascal Covici, the publisher, three years before the author's death in 1965. The novel is written in the voice of eighteen-year-old Mary Katherine "Merricat" Blackwood, who lives with her sister and uncle on an estate in Vermont. Six years before the events of the novel, the Blackwood family experienced a tragedy that left the three survivors isolated from their small village. The novel was first published in hardcover in North America by Viking Press, and has since been released in paperback and as an audiobook and e-book. It has been described as Jackson's masterpiece. Its first screen adaptation appeared in 2018, based on a screenplay by Mark Kruger and directed by Stacie Passon.

4 editions

Review of 'Linna on aina ollut kotimme' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Kertomus yhdysvaltalaisesta perhetragediasta: Joku myrkytti lähes koko perheen illallispöydässä, mutta pääepäilty vapautettiin syytteistä eikä tekijää tiettävästi löydetty. Sen jälkeen paikallinen kyläyhteisö kollektiivisesti sulkee jäljelle jääneen perheen ulkopuolelleen ja käyttäytyy äärimmäisen töykeästi ja ahdistelevasti. Mutta sisaret tukeutuvat toisiinsa.

Kirja on tunnelmaltaan samalla tavalla ahdistava kuin monet muut saman aikakauden yhdysvaltalaiskirjat.

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4 stars


  • Fiction, psychological