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Wizards RPG Team: Eberron (Hardcover, 2019, Wizards of the Coast) 5 stars

If I had to choose, I'd say that #Eberron is my favorite #DnD setting. The world is simply well designed from the ground up, and not just an agglomeration of tropes. I also like that you can fit pretty much any D&D element into the setting if you put a little thought into it.

And I really like Keith Baker's attitude when it comes to character concepts: "What do these game mechanics mean for your character? How do you interpret this class/subclass/race for your game and this individual person?" This is as it should be. #ttrpg

Michael Alyn Pondsmith: Castle Falkenstein (Paperback, 1994, A to Z Printing) No rating

Most #Steampunk #ttrpg settings have the problem that they tend to gloss over the evils of Imperialism and Colonialism. #CastleFalkenstein fares better than most, since it portrays Imperialism as something that ought to be opposed more often than not. It is perhaps unfortunate that the point-of-view protagonist is a white male 20th century American, but it should not be too hard to include other characters.

Still, I don't particularly care for the Castle Falkenstein rules systems, and I'm not sure what I'd use it instead. Yes, there was a #GURPS version published for it (which I recommend as a generic "World Guide" even if you don't use the rules, as well as the supplement Castle Falkenstein - The Ottoman Empire), but they'd need to be updated for 4E...

John F. Zeigler: Transhuman Space (Paperback, Steve Jackson Games, Incorporated) No rating

#TranshumanSpace was one of the few times Steve Jackson Games attempted to support an entire line focusing on an original #ttrpg setting for #GURPS , and it's still far away my favorite. And while it has its dark sides, it is also one of the more optimistic near-future settings out there - it portrays humanity largely being able to tackle their own problems.

Alas, I fear we are currently heading for a darker timeline. Still, it would be interesting to revisit this setting, and compare and contrast where we stand now vs. what the setting portrayed where we are going.

N. Robin Crossby: Hârnworld: a real fantasy world (1990, Columbia Games) No rating

I love highly detailed #ttrpg settings, so #HarnWorld was definitely a setting of interest to me. Though ultimately, I neither played in it nor ran a game in it - while I've participated in my share of "gritty" games, we like to balance the grittiness with a fair share of humor, as in #WFRP . HarnWorld, on the other hand, is a setting that is both gritty and plays it straight.

Furthermore, the modules were and still are fairly pricey when compared to other products of comparable complexity, which kept me from investing as much money in this game line as I have in some others.

Jeff Grubb: Land of Fate (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition, Al-Qadim, Boxed Set) (Hardcover, TSR) No rating

Of all the #DnD expansions to the #ForgottenRealms during TSR's "let's slap real world cultures into this world", al-Qadim was the best by far.

Part of the reason was that the player characters were assumed to be locals by default, instead of portraying the region as something to be "conquered" by player characters from the Heartlands of Faerun. #ttrpg

Wilfried Liessmann: Historischer Bergbau Im Harz (German language, 2010, Springer London, Limited) No rating

Die Geschichte des Bergbaus, das Leben der Bergleute, der Wandel der Harzer Industrielandschaft und die …

Historical mining has a lot of fascinating complexities which are mostly ignored in fantasy #ttrpg (definitely including #dnd ) - which I think is a shame, since there's so much cool stuff out there.

Take water - you need to get it out of the mines, but on the other hand you also need lots of water to power the pumps that accomplish this feat - as I've learned during my recent vacations to the Harz mountains.

Oh, and if you really want to make your players hate you, read up on the invention of the Man Engine... 😁