Plural in the Widest Sense Public

Created by Catship

Mainly a collection for the "oh, wait, that's surprisingly plural" moments that aren't necessarily very central to the story, but also open to books that are decidedly and consciously about plural characters. Just… all the stuff.

Notes about the kind of plural stuff that happens are welcome and may contain mild spoilers.

  1. Die Fließende Königin by 

    3 stars

    In a place similar to Venice, Italy, two teenaged orphans, apprenticed to a maker of magic mirrors, begin to realize …

    Catship says:

    someone swallows a magical being and continues to converse with them internally.

  2. Catship says:

    aliens aren't really separate beings

  3. Nearly Roadkill by 

    4 stars

    "A novel written in cyberspace, Nearly Roadkill is an Infobahn erotic thriller without any boundaries - virtual, sexual, legal, or …

    Catship says:

    Multiples briefly show up to ask if maybe the main characters' role switching is actually multiplicity, to which they say no. It's kinda cute, and the way they talk about it shows that the authors have had at least some contact with multiples who are fine with being multiple.

  4. Die Angestellten by 

    4 stars

    Wir befinden uns im 22. Jahrhundert: Die Besatzung des Sechstausender-Raumschiffes besteht aus solchen, die geboren wurden, und solchen, die entwickelt …

    Catship says:

    One of the statements mentions they're two people, that's all

  5. Catship says:


  6. Catship says:

    possession to save a friend

  7. Every Day by 

    2 stars

    Every morning A wakes in a different person's body, in a different person's life, learning over the years to never …

    Catship says:

    Possessing a different person every day

  8. Catship says:

    copying your consciousness as needed, creating diverging timelines of yourself

  9. Maskerade by  (The Witches, #5)

    No rating

    Catship says:

    2 plural characters, I'd argue :)

  10. Ruhig Blut. Ein Roman von der bizarren Scheibenwelt. by  (Scheibenwelt)

    4 stars

    Carpe Jugulum (; Latatian for "seize the throat", cf. Carpe diem) is a comic fantasy novel by English writer Terry …

    Catship says:

    1 very explicitly plural character

  11. We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by  (Bobiverse, #1)

    5 stars

    “Bob Johansson has just sold his software company and is looking forward to a life of leisure. There are places …

    Catship says:

    Copying yourself leads to some differences. Also, VR tulpa.

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