DRM Free Ebooks Public

Created by Kantolope

If you're here, I can probably guess two things about you. 1. You like tech. 2. You hate DRM. So this is a curated collection of fiction ebooks that are worth your time and also don't have DRM from legal retailers. Unless otherwise stated, you can get these from ebooks.com without DRM applied. This list might be small at first, but as I read and get recommendations, hopefully it will continue to grow.

  1. Amberlough Dossier by 

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    By turns ravishing and riveting, Lara Elena Donnelly’s trilogy The Amberlough Dossier contains three glam vintage spy thrillers set in …

  2. Starling House by 

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    A grim and gothic new tale from author Alix E. Harrow about a small town haunted by secrets that can't …

  3. The Dead Take the A Train by , (Carrion City, #1)

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    Julie Crews is a coked-up, burnt-out thirty-something who packs a lot of magic into her small body. She’s been trying …

  4. Everyone on the Moon is Essential Personnel by 

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    In this debut collection of body-horror fairy tales and mid-apocalyptic Catholic cyberpunk, memory and myth, loss and age, these are …

    Kantolope says:

    Can be found on the author's itch.io page: sissyfist.itch.io/moon

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