Reviews and Comments

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Helena Hunting: Love Catastrophe (2023, Grand Central Publishing, Forever) 2 stars

Review of 'Love Catastrophe' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Mostly I think this was a bit boring. There was nothing exciting or any situations to be clarified. Even the initial set was solved too quickly. Ok, it is not necessary always to be huge third part brake up or something like that, but there should be something interesting in the plot.

I like the idea that main characters are a bit weird, nerdy and good hearted. But sometimes it was too underlined. And there was in an unpleasant way akward confersations in the bed (sex scenes were not hot). Good thing was that neither of the characters were a desperate doormat or just a dickhead. I have read lately too many books where so called romance is disappointingly toxic and characters behaviour is like totally nonsensical. These characters were mostly like humans, cheesy yes, but not like suffering unnamed mental disorder all the time

T.M. Cromer: Autumn Magic (Paperback, TM Cromer) 2 stars

Review of 'Autumn Magic' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This was a bit better than the previous book. There were more interesting Characters and happenings. But there are still same problem as in first book: the man is a dick and woman a desper doormat. I am suppose that this is goint to be exact same set-up in every book, what a shame. However I give 3 stars because this book was more interesting than the previous one. There still an issue with too soap opera like plot twists. I mean really there is no goos explanation why people behave like they behave. They suppose to be adult and smart, but yet reactions are in defiant age. One moment they can't stand each others because there has been something absolutely so bad, but next moment they are chatting chearfully.

T.M. Cromer: Summer Magic (Paperback, TM Cromer) 2 stars

Review of 'Summer Magic' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

This book was quite irritating. For the first half I would have given only 1 star. Characters were so dumb I barelly could stand it. And I really don"t get how it supposed to be romatic that the man is totally dick and woman is derperatelly whiny. However, after the midpoint there appeared to be some kind of plot, and happenings got a pit more interesting. Thought plot is still quite like soap opera. I have no idea why I keep reading these books.

One good thing is that language is quite smooth. I am between 2 and 3 stars. This actually was more 2 star book, but because I actually read this and the second one, I guess there is still somethin almost worth of.

reviewed Demonic Prince by Karen Kincy

Review of 'Demonic Prince' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

This definitely wasn't a good book. Things happened too fast, there were no really evolving. Dialogue were naive, characters opinion seems to be opposite compared to the previous one in every other sentence, there were no explanations of anything (why characters act like they act, why things were like they were, what kind of world was). Language was quite simply and repeating the same phrases. Characters and World could be interesting, but weren't. If you want to read soft porn with pursuit and no proper plot, then go for it.