Thom reviewed Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Review of 'Ready Player One' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Grim Gibsonesque post oil setting, 80s references (games, movies, music, rpgs), and virtual worlds from swords & sorcery to John Hughes to cyberpunk. This super-savvy Scooby Doo is one heck of a fun ride, with a few moral observations around the edges. Highly recommended!
July 2017 - Read aloud with daughter, 13. Should be two movies, really; just hope they don't screw it up too bad.
Thoughts on my 3rd reading - I must have skimmed through some of the infodumps (I wonder if Ernest Cline would consider releasing a version without those?) but the action is still quite good - a fun and easy read. Accurately described as nostalgia-porn. 4½ stars.
Sep 2011 - Listened to the audio version (Wil Wheaton nails it, by the way), but I couldn't wait and finished the epub last night.