Nicola Yoon: The Sun is Also a Star (Hardcover, 2016, Delacorte Press) 3 stars

Natasha: I’m a girl who believes in science and facts. Not fate. Not destiny. Or …

Review of 'The Sun is Also a Star' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Super popular at the library, so when this arrived I knew I'd have one chance - kind of like our main characters. Story alternates between them, with occasional extras. What draws you in at first devolves into teen romance. I am not the target audience.

So why did I check it out? I try to keep an eye out for good YA stories, and this has been compared to John Green's work. Knowing my teen's predilections, this would be too sappy for her - especially the last half. Romantic comedies are great, but this one feels forced.

So much negativity in one review! I applaud the author for engaging characters, digging into culture and racism, and a good journey through New York. Discussions of physics and metaphysics were nicely balanced. This was a quick and breezy read.

It bears repeating, I am not the target audience. For me, this wasn't five star awesome, but it definitely wasn't one star bad. Dark matter makes up approximately 63% our universe, and this book rates a similar percentage of a five star rating.