
reviewed The day of the dissonance by Alan Dean Foster (Spellsinger -- bk. 3)

Alan Dean Foster: The day of the dissonance (1984, Warner Books) 3 stars

Jon Tom's mentor, one of the greatest wizards ever, as well as an aging turtle, …

Review of 'The day of the dissonance' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Grabbed this quick book in a lull, probably read it as rapidly as my younger self did. This time I was interrupted by work instead of trips to the local video game arcade.

Jon-Tom is tasked with a new quest, and his former companions have scattered to the four winds. He picks up one, the lovable otter Mudge, and sets out to cross an ocean in search of precious medicine. The rest are summoned or acquired on the journey, and make for an interesting assortment.

At times the journey seemed to skip a bit, but at least this speedy story was finished within the covers of one book. Fairly sure this was the last I read as a youth, impatient with the author's pace and on to weightier college tomes.