Chen Qiufan, Kai-Fu Lee: AI 2041 (2021, Currency) 3 stars

AI will be the defining development of the twenty-first century. Within two decades, aspects of …

Review of 'AI 2041' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The authors pair off on 10 topics likely to be relevant in the next 20 years - one writing fiction, one writing commentary. Short version - the commentary was good, the fiction was lacking.

The topics are interesting, and I like the idea of pairing sci-fi with non-fiction. [b:The Fountains of Paradise|149049|The Fountains of Paradise|Arthur C. Clarke||734510] this isn't. That said, the snippets were usually enough to demonstrate the topic. Here follows my other quibble.

AI, Artificial Intelligence, is not just Machine Learning. It also isn't quantum computing. Both of these things could eventually lead to what I think of as AI. Title aside, I thought the topics were quite good - autonomous vehicles, natural language processing, computer vision, virtual and augmented reality, and job displacement. Both the story and commentary in the chapter on quantum computing were well done. Overall rating, 3 stars - I liked the book, but it didn't blow me away.