Cory Doctorow: For the Win (Hardcover, 2010, Tor Teen) 4 stars

Young adult science fiction set in the present or near future. The characters are "gold …

Review of 'For the Win' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Cory Doctorow mashes together a story about gold farming and how it relates to global economies with lectures on financial markets and labor unions. It feels like a decent story could have come from one or the other, but both together (and a handful of characters for each) makes for a way-too-long slog. [b:Pirate Cinema|13539171|Pirate Cinema|Cory Doctorow||13238987] and [b:Little Brother|954674|Little Brother (Little Brother, #1)|Cory Doctorow||939584] were so good, leaving this book only so-so.

Kudos to the author for some realistic and fairly creative descriptions of online games that don't exist (yet). Groans to the author for using a waggled chin 19 times - I didn't search for variations on that.