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Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

Reading books of various genres, mostly Nordic Crime, Information Technology, Science and Fiction, Science and whatever I happen to find. I like to read mostly from paper, either pocket or hard cover, but also occasionally finish reading an e-book. I read books in Swedish, Finnish, English and German depending on what is available.

My reading history is available over at Goodreads:

I work as a Technical Architect in a large Information Technology corporation and live in Turku, Finland.

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Anders's books

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Anders has read 0 of 12 books.

L. David Marquet: Turn the ship around! (2013, Penguin Books Ltd) 5 stars

Since Turn the Ship Around! was published in 2013, hundreds of thousands of readers have …

Leadership in contrast to followership

5 stars

This is a quick read. The book contrasts the traditional leadership model (leader - follower) with a distributed model where leadership is found at every level (leader - leader model). The book has interesting stories illustrating the different styles and the problems the model create.

This should be mandated reading for anyone that would like to call themselves a leader. The book is also useful for anybody as leadership affects us all.

Risky reading

3 stars

This book was recommended in a podcast, for those interested in game theory, decision making and similar topics and hence I was tricked into buying it.

The book starts of with a warning to skip the first parts if you are "a normal reader". I would strongly suggest for readers to do this. The book starts off in the deep end where the reader will sink to a dept that have you wondering if you will ever be in the mood to read any book in your life any more. Getting trough it will require a true interest in the intricate details of the subject or stubbornness to a unhealthy level.

A way better approach to this book would have been. to read the last chapter first and continue backwards chapter by chapter, since the later parts of the book are really interesting.

wants to read Territoires by Olivier Norek

Olivier Norek: Territoires (French language, 2014) No rating

I got this book as a gift... Getting presents is nice, and books make excellent gifts. I like other books by this author so great, right? Well, it's just that this book is in french... French is a great language, no problem with that, there are lots of great french books... Except that my current knowledge of french is next to non existent... So, I am either embarking on a long learning journey to learn french, or then this book will be one that I did not finish reading... For the time being the book is going to the bottom of my "to read" pile... I wonder if there may have been some kind of a hidden motive behind this gift...

reviewed Nothing As We Need It by Daniela Cascella

Strange book

No rating

Came across this book on and decided to obtain the pdf on a whim. Stubbornness cased me to finally finish reading this strange book.

I know next to nothing about literature or critique in litterature. Reading this book has not changed that.

I liked the apparently shared feeling of contempt for stuffy literature critique you normally come across. The rest went too far over my head for me to have any opinion of or to give this book any official rating.

The take away for me is that everything does not need to be all that formal when writing or talking about various subjects. My own opinion and understanding is sufficient as a base for providing my own view, which in it self (I would think) is the chimeric understanding of what this book is all about. As such 5 of 5 imaginary stars.

Meredith Broussard: More Than a Glitch (2023, MIT Press) 5 stars

When technology reinforces inequality, it's not just a glitch—it's a signal that we need to …

Uncovering technochauvinism

5 stars

A very thought provoking book on the state of information technology, artificial intelligence and how new solutions are being deployed in our every day lives and society at large.

The books message is that it is not a mistake or a glitch that technology discriminates. There are systematic powers at play that should be seen as the cause behind technology failures.

The book is very well written and easy to read. I would recommend it to everyone with an interest in technology and injustices in our society.