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Joined 1 year, 7 months ago

Reading books of various genres, mostly Nordic Crime, Information Technology, Science and Fiction, Science and whatever I happen to find. I like to read mostly from paper, either pocket or hard cover, but also occasionally finish reading an e-book. I read books in Swedish, Finnish, English and German depending on what is available.

My reading history is available over at Goodreads:

I work as a Technical Architect in a large Information Technology corporation and live in Turku, Finland.

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Anders's books

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Anders has read 0 of 12 books.

Glyn Moody, Glyn Moody: Walled culture (Paperback, 2022) 4 stars

Walled Culture is the first book providing a compact, non-technical history of digital copyright and …

A well written critique of publishing.

4 stars

Bought this book in epub format directly from the author when I came across a post on Mastodon and have been reading it whenever I have been sitting around waiting.

The book provides a good overview of the problems the digital world faces from copyright, old business models and reluctance to change. The publishing industry with it's lobbying is heavily criticized. It also provides viable alternatives for content creators to thrive in the digital world.

Erlend Loe: Tosiasioita Suomesta (Hardcover, Suomi language, 2002, Like kustannus) 3 stars

Maailman hajanaisuus ja eri kulttuurien välinen etäisyys paljastuu konkreettisesti, kun Tosiasioita Suomesta -romaanin päähenkilö, median …

Kirja vuosituhannen alkupuolelta

3 stars

Tämä kirja on lojunut pitkään lukemattomana kirjahyllyssä.

Kirja on välillä hauska, välillä aivan liian rönsyilevä ja täynnä ylipitkiä lauseita. En oikein tiedä kenelle suosittelisin. Silloin kun kirja julkaistiin sitä pidettiin oikein hauskana ja sopivana kaikille. Nykyään en oikein tiedä. Tulipa luettua.

Erica Thompson: Escape from Model Land (2022, Basic Books) 4 stars

Limits of models

4 stars

Not the first book I would recommend on creating model systems of real world phenomena, but fairly interesting on what models can do and what they can't tell us about our world. The books contain examples and descriptions about climate modelling and Covid19 spread but does not go into any greater detail regarding the models them selves, but more describe the shortcoming of models in how they are used. As such it brings useful insight that model creators and stakeholders should familiarise themselves with.