Aada replied to stuebinm@preprint.books.exposed's status
@stuebinm@preprint.books.exposed Würde dann wahrscheinlich zu Rumo oder Stadt der träumenden Bücher raten! Hab beide sehr gut in Errinnerung und wollte die nochmal ausgraben irgendwann.
This is @ada@catcatnya.com but with more books.
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16% complete! Aada has read 2 of 12 books.
@stuebinm@preprint.books.exposed Würde dann wahrscheinlich zu Rumo oder Stadt der träumenden Bücher raten! Hab beide sehr gut in Errinnerung und wollte die nochmal ausgraben irgendwann.
When 'messy witch' Morgan Greenwood drunkenly offers to fake date her dream woman Rory Sandler during the New England Witches' …
Make laugh, not war
Ein Einhörnchen, das lieber rückwärts leben möchte; ein Werwolf, der ein Wiewolf sein will; eine fleischfressende …
@stuebinm@preprint.books.exposed Emily mentioned that this is probably not the best starting point as Pratchett's writing apparently improved quite a bit over his career as an author. It is still a fairly short book and I expect to have finished reading it today, so may just be worth giving it a shot if you feel like it!
After the first Age of Magic the disposal of grimoires began to become a severe problem on the discworld. A spell is still a spell even when imprisoned temporarily in parchment and ink. It has potency. This is not a problem while the book's owner still lives, but on his death the spell book becomes a source of uncontrolled power that cannot easily be defused. In short, spell books leak magic. Various solutions have been tried. Countries near the Rim simply loaded down the books of dead mages with leaden pentalphas and threw them over the Edge. Near the Hub less satisfactory alternatives were available. Inserting the offending books in canisters of negatively polarized octiron and sinking them in the fathomless depths of the sea was one (burial in deep caves on land was earlier ruled out after some districts complained of walking trees and five-headed cats) but before long the magic seeped out and eventually fishermen complained of shoals of invisible fish or psychic clams. A temporary solution was the construction, in various centres of magical lore, of large rooms made of denatured octiron, which is impervious to most forms of magic. Here the more critical grimoires could be stored until their potency had attenuated.
— The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett (Discworld #1) (Page 127 - 128)
Nooo this passage can't be about nuclear waste, it clearly says that it's about spells! What do you mean metaphor?
In all earnestness, I wasn't expecting this book to have a passage on nuclear waste management, a topic i got really interested in some weeks ago 👀
For cynical twenty-three-year-old August, moving to New York City is supposed to prove her right: that things like magic and …
Das ist ein netter und kurzweiliger Abstecher in Walter Moers' Zamonien und hatte mir auf jeden Fall lust gegeben andere Bücher die Moers mittlerweile geschrieben hat auch zu lesen :3
Empfiehlt sich schon die Stadt der träumenden Bücher gelesen zu haben wenn ihr das lesen wollt.
The first fiction book I have read in a while and this was incredibly enjoyable. Given to me because I like trains and it is set around the New York metro system, but found a lot more to enjoy about this book and relate to than I thought I would!