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Roolipelaaja, seikkailuharrastaja, spefi-kirjailija

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Review of 'Depth' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Depth had an idea that really interested me, but sadly enough, fell prey to two problems that happen to annoy me personally. One is setting-related, the other technical (there's also a third one that could be said to be a thematic misunderstanding, but it's really minor). Mostly the problems stem from reading the novel as a semi-hard sci-fi story, so they won't be annoyances for everyone.

First: the setting feels terribly unbelievable. I kept trying to think about how the state of the world got to how it was, and constantly felt that it would require a catastrophe greater than the story implied. The sea level rise seemed to require that all the ice in the icecaps was gone, in which case I'd think the refugee crisis would be unimaginable and it would be unlikely that any present society would be left standing, and still the book talks casually of …