The uplift war

638 pages

English language

Published Nov. 10, 1995 by Bantam Books.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Earth has been allowed to colonize the Planet Garth only because its previous occupants went berserk and wiped out virtually all life there. But now humans, chimps, and their alien allies on Garth are being held hostage in a conflict that could affect the fate of the entire five galaxies.

4 editions

Review of 'The uplift war' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Shares a universe with the other books of the series, could stand alone. Describes life in an occupied land (world), and is somewhat better than the previous book. Still suffers from clunky descriptions and poor passages at times.

In its favor are stronger characters, especially Fiben. He and others are fully 3D, a welcome change from the previous book. Some of the clever technology used for tracking or attacking are also neat. Chief among the downsides are the pace - this book is slow. Took me a month and a half to finish it, as I would put it down and feel little compulsion to pick it up again.

Reviewing the series, the wide web of characters and plots is pretty interesting, and probably took a book to keep track of. Turns out one was published - [b:Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide to David Brin's Uplift Universe|101888|Contacting Aliens An Illustrated …

Review of 'The uplift war' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

The last book of the original Uplift Trilogy, The Uplift War brings us to Garth; a planet almost destroyed by a model example of how the Galactic Uplift process can fail. Earthlings have been given a lease on the planet on the condition they do their best to resurrect the planet's ecosystem.

Unfortunately, the events of [b:Startide Rising|234501|Startide Rising (The Uplift Saga, #2)|David Brin||251634] cause turmoil in the Five Galaxies, and the great clan of Gooksyu-Gubru decide to occupy the planet.

This is basically as far as the book is connected to the previous installment of the series; the spaceship Streaker is mentioned a few times in the book, but it's only a catalyst for the events, and the book is pretty much independent tale of Uplift and the conflict between Galactics and Earthlings.

Each book of the trilogy has focused on aspects of the Uplift, and they've done …

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  • Life on other planets
  • Fiction
