This is a book about two scholars who translate an ancient epic into modern language. But oh dear, this is also so breathtaking and exciting that my spouse asked why I kept making worried noises while reading. So interesting characters, themes, and plots. Wow.
Anyone who has loved any of the other Lady Trent novels are sure to love this. I must admit that most of the high-paced excitement waits at the end, but is is worth it! Especially philologically geeky readers will enjoy the beginning, too!
Reviews and Comments
Markkinointikirjoittaja, lukija ja klasarimuusikko. Kirjallisuuden ja kirjoittamisen maisteri Jyväskylän yliopistosta. Luen etenkin fantasiaa.
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Trillerimäinen fantasia vaihtoehtoisesta 2000-luvun Suomesta.
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Dracaena reviewed Turning Darkness Into Light by Marie Brennan
Review of 'Turning Darkness Into Light' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
Dracaena reviewed The Mystwick School of Musicraft by Jessica Khoury
Review of 'The Mystwick School of Musicraft' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
A very dissapointing story. I saw a recommendation of this and thought it would be a nice novel as I wait for the fourth Nevermoor. Being a musician myself I was obviously drawn to the idea of music as magic.
Well, the story is actually quite lame. Most of the characters were flat and boring. Most of Amelia's class mates were mentioned only a few times, some probably never. The plot had some exciting moments, but not enough to cover for the clichés. And I never felt like Mystwick is a school were I would like to study, I never really wanted musicraft to be real and to learn more about it. The storytelling started as funny and interesting, but again, it wasn't enough for me. I didn't get a good picture of the world run by musicraft.
I must say, though, that the artwork is very pretty and accurate.
Dracaena reviewed Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
Epäluotettava ja naiivi kertoja. Maailma, jonka lukijat tunnistavat epänormaaliksi. Toveri, jonka lukijat tunnistavat epäilyttäväksi. Jännite siitä, kuinka Piranesin ja Talon mysteeri selviää.
Tätä kirjaa on hypetetty paljon, ja odotin siltä tajunnanräjäyttävämpää kokemusta. Piranesi oli "ihan kiva". Joo, virkistävän erilainen asetelma maailmasta, joka on vain huoneita, vettä ja kaksi elävää ihmistä. Ja kieltämättä jäin vähäsen koukkuun halusta tietää, mikä Piranesin henkilöllisyydeksi ja tarinaksi paljastuu. Mutta kuitenkin vähän tylsä tarina. Piranesin naivius kiinnosti alussa ja lopussa, mutta puolivälissä väsähdin hänen itseselittelyihinsä.