Enum & Valerie quoted Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur (Written in the Stars, #3)
Content warning cringy horny in public
[cake tasting for their friends' wedding] [Margot watches Olivia eat] A breathy groan filled the air, more desperate than satisfied. Four curious sets of eyes locked on her. Motherfucker, she had made that noise, all pleading and pornographic and - ugh. [..]. "Mar? [..]. You feeling alright?" "Mm, yep. [..]. I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Annie frowned. "You're looking kind of flushed." Christ on a cracker, couldn't a girl be horny in peace? "It is a little warm in here," Darcy said, earning herself top billing on Margot's list of favourite people. "I think they've got the heat set a touch too high." Darcy's eyes darted from Margot to Olivia, a dimple forming at the corner of her mouth when she smirked. That was, without a doubt, a look to file away for closer inspection later. "So, [..]. what do you think, or do you not care?" "I care," Margot blurted, "I totally care." "Okay ... so, thoughts?" Margot winced. Shit. "Um, what was the question?"
— Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur (Written in the Stars, #3) (Page 106 - 107)
Oh Margot you absolute horndog.