Enum & Valerie quoted Hidden rituals and public performances by Anna-Leena Siikala (Studia fennica. Folkloristica -- 19)
Women could not step into the area of question, because women may not walk over a man or his clothes. A young man explained the reason: “Since it can happen that a woman can be over a man, things will turn out badly for him.” Town houses might be a problem. Our friend, a Khanty, told us in Muzhi that he has a good apartment: “There is only one imperfection in it. A woman lives in the second floor, above me. It is a real nuisance. Everyday she treads on me. Śohma! But of course there are iron and wires and lines here [in the floor between the apartments], and — I have also something else [a magic protection]. Maybe nothing comes of that. The iron does not let through anything impure. Iron is pure.”
— Hidden rituals and public performances by Anna-Leena Siikala (Studia fennica. Folkloristica -- 19) (Page 65)
I'm sure the sex must be fun. /s