Enum & Valerie quoted Youngblood by Sasha Laurens
This had knocked my socks off; I had no more socks left to knock.
— Youngblood by Sasha Laurens (Page 274)
@vivavaleria@eldritch.cafe on the mammooth site. Reading mostly wlw rom-coms, with the occasional exceptions. I try to rotate languages, but it isn't really easy to find queer romance books in other languages than English. Reviews and comments usually in the same language as the book.
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5% complete! Enum & Valerie has read 2 of 40 books.
This had knocked my socks off; I had no more socks left to knock.
— Youngblood by Sasha Laurens (Page 274)
Both our heads turned in time to see the swish of long hair as a girl ran across the residential quad and tackled someone to the ground with a hug. Giggles! Smiles! Girls being girls! "Imagine living with that," I said.
— Youngblood by Sasha Laurens (Page 26 - 27)
Sure, hugs and girls are sooooo bad
Content warning drugs
Me, gay, what? Nah, that's just a side effect of alcohol. Blurry vision, inability to walk straight, sudden insatiable desire to undress other girls. Wait, that doesn't happen to everyone? Weird.
— Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales (Page 109)
Note to self: carry bass around everywhere and break into impromptu solo whenever anyone tries to force you into conversation. Foolproof.
— Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales (Page 48)
Everybody who's read 'Delilah Green Doesn't Care' or 'Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail' already knows that Iris Kelly is an absolute goddess. If you haven't read those, do that first, it's a trilogy.
Now imagine our beloved Iris in a goddamn Fake Dating plot! Yes okay, I see, the Fake Dating trope is quite common these days and it's always the same predictable main arc, but I love well-written Fake Dating stories, so let me enjoy this treat. And it is really WELL MADE.
AHB just doesn't disappoint, this book is entertaining and full of well working side arcs. Turns and twists that feel "just right", instead of easy choices. Mostly.
What I cannot really stomach is Iris moving to New York. For fuck's sake, Ms Blake, you moved Delilah from NY to Bright Falls and into the friends group just to move Iris away from them two books later?? How …
Everybody who's read 'Delilah Green Doesn't Care' or 'Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail' already knows that Iris Kelly is an absolute goddess. If you haven't read those, do that first, it's a trilogy.
Now imagine our beloved Iris in a goddamn Fake Dating plot! Yes okay, I see, the Fake Dating trope is quite common these days and it's always the same predictable main arc, but I love well-written Fake Dating stories, so let me enjoy this treat. And it is really WELL MADE.
AHB just doesn't disappoint, this book is entertaining and full of well working side arcs. Turns and twists that feel "just right", instead of easy choices. Mostly.
What I cannot really stomach is Iris moving to New York. For fuck's sake, Ms Blake, you moved Delilah from NY to Bright Falls and into the friends group just to move Iris away from them two books later?? How cruel is that D: And how in hell has Delilah become so soft that Astrid - Astrid! - is often more rad than her these days?
"Yeah, but now you've got an amazing start to your novel," Simon said, then spread his hands out like he was displaying a title. "Tegan McKee Doesn't Vomit."
— Iris Kelly Doesn't Date by Ashley Herring Blake (Bright Falls, #3) (Page 67)
I really hope this idea breaks the 4th wall and will actually be written. If AHB doesn't do it, will somebody at least write a fanfiction?
"I'm Stevie. Shit. I mean, I'm Stefania." "Hi, Stevie-Shit-Stefania,", Iris said. "I'm Iris."
— Iris Kelly Doesn't Date by Ashley Herring Blake (Bright Falls, #3) (Page 52)
All of this is some multi-layerey power play (which I like) with kissing girls (which I also like). But then again, most of it is about spirituality, prophesies, and birthright (which I don't like).
There were a handful of entertaining moments, but mostly it's just the old, overrated and overused trope where both girls think "too bad she just want's casual" instead of just talking to each other. Apart from all the petit-bourgeois stuff about weddings. Oh and apparently it's the third part of a trilogy, but the summary and backcover don't indicate that. What the fuck.
Just remembered this banger scene, where the characters fly from the US to Turkey on a private plane, but take an immediate stop in France for ... CUSTOMS!?!?
Sure, French customs totally cares about what you carry between two totally unrelated countries. Ms Bayron, have you ever been outside the US?
Content warning cringy horny in public
[cake tasting for their friends' wedding] [Margot watches Olivia eat] A breathy groan filled the air, more desperate than satisfied. Four curious sets of eyes locked on her. Motherfucker, she had made that noise, all pleading and pornographic and - ugh. [..]. "Mar? [..]. You feeling alright?" "Mm, yep. [..]. I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Annie frowned. "You're looking kind of flushed." Christ on a cracker, couldn't a girl be horny in peace? "It is a little warm in here," Darcy said, earning herself top billing on Margot's list of favourite people. "I think they've got the heat set a touch too high." Darcy's eyes darted from Margot to Olivia, a dimple forming at the corner of her mouth when she smirked. That was, without a doubt, a look to file away for closer inspection later. "So, [..]. what do you think, or do you not care?" "I care," Margot blurted, "I totally care." "Okay ... so, thoughts?" Margot winced. Shit. "Um, what was the question?"
— Count Your Lucky Stars by Alexandria Bellefleur (Written in the Stars, #3) (Page 106 - 107)
Oh Margot you absolute horndog.