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Alia Dannenberg: Suurmestari (Paperback, Finnish language, Kirjokansi) 4 stars

Kvääridekkari aikuiseen makuun

4 stars

Kirjailija Alia Dannenberg on talousalan yrittäjä, huipputason shakinpelaaja, mukana kuntapolitiikassa vasemmistoliiton edustajana ja julkisesti transsukupuolinen. Dekkarisarjan päähenkilö Tiina Kivisaari on laskentatoimen asiantuntija, joka päätyy Supon agenttina tutkimaan pikkukaupungin kuntatalouden epäselvyyksiä eli selvittämään talousrikoksia — ja agentti kivisaari on myös huipputason shakinpelaaja ja transsukupuolinen, muttei julkisesti. Ei tarvitse hirveästi älynnystyröitään hieroa päätelläkseen, mistä kirjailija on inspiraationsa ammentanut.

Ja on sanottava, että lähtökohdiltaan ja sisällöltään kyseessä on merkittävä kirja. Kovin usein suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa eivät aikuiset, perheelliset transnaiset ole itse päässeet kertomaan aikuisten, perheellisten transnaisten tarinoita. Kirjassa myös ruoditaan suomalaista korruptiota, veronkiertoa ja sormien läpi katsottavaa talousrikollisuutta eli ns. maan tapaa sen verran suorasukaisesti ja yksityiskohtaisesti, että lukijana ihan raivostuu siitä, miten täällä yhteisiä varoja hoidetaan. Lisäksi kirjan toisena sankarina on vanhemmanpuoleinen muslimikaapua käyttävä maahanmuuttajanainen, mikä sekin on suomalaisessa kirjallisuudessa hävettävän harvinaista.

Kaunokirjallisena teoksena Suurmestari on kuitenkin hiukan keskeneräinen. Kirjailija selvästi tykkää kertoa juonen kannalta vähemmän tärkeistä itsensä kaltaisen päähenkilön yksityiselämän seikoista sekä …

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Neil Postman: Amusing ourselves to death (2006, Penguin Books) No rating

Terrified of television

No rating

I'm primed to be skeptical of any claim which sounds like the core one in this book: that there's something pernicious about The New Communication Tool, and that it will erode our society and culture.

But. Postman published Amusing Ourselves to Death in 1985, and has been specifically correct about several… let us say… arcs? of transformation in culture & communication; in the way we value wisdom, knowledge, information, and data; and in our approach to disagreement, debate, and argument; among others. Postman clearly isn't exactly right in the particulars — the cultural role of television has changed substantially, and even newer new media has further adapted down this path. He didn't specifically anticipate Twitter or Facebook or TikTok, but his heart is in the right place by extrapolation from television.

Still. Is society worse, or just different? Are the ways societ has improved supported by new media, …

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Philip K. Dick: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Paperback, 2017, Del Rey) 4 stars

It was January 2021, and Rick Deckard had a license to kill. Somewhere among the …

A little mixed on this one.

3 stars

First off, I have never seen Blade Runner, so that movie had no impact on my feelings for this book.

I was sucked into this book from the very start. Animals are basically extinct and farmers are usually having to resort to buying robotic versions of the animals to be able to still produce goods. People are using computers to program them to feel specific ways (you can even make yourself feel depressed for whatever reason). The world building was really well done and for the first half of the book I was very into it all.

Then it just kind of lost me. It starts to show its age when it comes to discussing or referencing any of the female characters. We are told all about their breasts and there's even the old school jolly of having sex with a robot.

I know that issues like this are inherent …

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Sarah Thankam Mathews: All This Could Be Different (EBook, 2022, Viking) No rating

From a brilliant new voice comes an electrifying novel of a young immigrant building a …

Æ vet ikke helt ka æ hadde forventa da æ lånte den her, og æ huske heller ikke helt koffor æ endte opp med å låne den i utgangspunktet (æ tror noen som har en smak æ stole på sa at dem likte den), men æ e glad æ leste den.

Det e historien om S, som bor i USA, med foreldre som ikke gjør det, som skal være den amerikanske drømmen, men kanskje ikke helt får det til, som e ung og usikker og altfor tøff for sitt eget beste.

Historien i sæ sjøl e ikke så nyskapanes, men det e måten den e fortalt på som treff så uventa godt. Den e i fire deler, med ujevt antall kapitler i delan, og varieranes lengde. Det e fortalt i fortid, med hint av en forteller som vet kordan det kommer til å gå, men ikke på en slitsom måte. …

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Sarah Thankam Mathews: All This Could Be Different (EBook, 2022, Viking) No rating

From a brilliant new voice comes an electrifying novel of a young immigrant building a …

I like very soft women. Like I like the idea of every part of a woman being like a breast. Just a walking collection of breasts conjoined. Just like, soft. Squeezable. Also have a thing for big eyes, wide mouths. And brains, of course.

All This Could Be Different by 

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reviewed A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold (Vorkosigan Saga (13))

Lois McMaster Bujold: A Civil Campaign (Paperback, 2000, Baen) 4 stars

Miles Vorkosigan launches a campaign to win the heart of Ekatarina, whose former husband died …

A Civil Campaign

5 stars

Surely, the real point of having a dozen previous books in a long running series establishing characters and world building is so that you can then truly and properly roast them in the worst dinner party disaster ever imagined.

This book is a comedy of manners about various courtships in the shade of the Emperor getting married. I love that a science fiction action politics series can have a book like this in the middle of it, and it doesn't feel out of place.

I do wonder a little how well this book would stand up on its own, though. There's so much history with Drou and Kou, Cordelia, Mark, Alys Vorpatril, Simon that it's hard to know if this would be quite as satisfying to a reader who doesn't have the level of background of reading all the previous books. I think the primary crux of the story, of …

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Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future (Paperback, 2021, Orbit) 4 stars

Established in 2025, the purpose of the new organization was simple: To advocate for the …

Hieno visio siitä, miten ihmiskunta selätti ilmastonmuutoksen

4 stars

Todella monen asian pitää muuttua, jos aiomme elää tällä planeetalla vielä tulevinakin vuosisatoina. Valtaosa kirjojen ja elokuvien tulevaisuusvisioista tuntuu kuitenkin olevan dystopioita, kuvauksia siitä millaista helvettiä elämä Maa-planeetalla on, kun kaikki on mennyt pieleen. Muutamalla seuraaville vuosikymmenille lähitulevaisuuteen sijoittuva Kim Stanley Robinsonin The Ministry for the Future kuitenkin esittää uskottavan, vaikkakin monelta osin silmiinpistävän optimistisen vision siitä, miten kaikenkattava ekokriisi on saatu Maa-planeetalla kuitenkin jonkinlaiseen hallintaan. Robinsonin visiosta kiinnostavan tekee se, että se ei ole vain kaunokirjallista kuvitelmaa, vaan perustuu ihan todellisiin haasteisiin ja ratkaisuihin, ja monet kirjan luvuista ovatkin luonteeltaan pikemminkin tieteellisiä esseitä kuin varsinaista kertomakirjallisuutta.

Kirjan tulevaisuuskuva ei kuitenkaan ole paratiisimainen utopia. Maa siinä vaiheessa, kun ilmakehän hiilidioksidimäärä on saatu laskuun, ei ole enää aivan sama planeetta kuin se oli vielä ennen ilmastokriisiä, ja työn planeetan hengissäpitämiseksi kuvataan jatkuvan vielä tulevillekin vuosisadoille vaikka hiilidioksidiongelma kirjassa on saatukin pois päällimmäisistä huolenaiheista.

Robinson ei pyri hahmottelemaan paluuta meneen ajan tasapainoon, …

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Kirk Johnson, Ray Troll: Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway (Hardcover, 2024, Chicago Review Press) 5 stars

Two “paleonerds” embark on a roadtrip across the West in search of fossils.

The new …

When I quizzed artists as to why they were painting bare earth, they told me that paleobotanists had forbidden them from using grass because it didn't involve evolve until the dinosaurs had gone extinct. Remove the grass and you're left with bare earth. This prompts the question "What was the ground cover in the Cretaceous?"

Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway by ,

TIL that grass is younger than dinosaurs. Wikipedia tells me there is some overlap between dinosaurs and grass, but grass largely evolved later. Johnson goes on to describe plants like buttercups, nettles and hops.

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reviewed Rakesfall by Ray Nayler

Ray Nayler: Rakesfall (Hardcover, 2024, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 5 stars

Some stories take more than one lifetime to tell. There are wrongs that echo through …


5 stars

I've put off talking about this book for a bit because honestly I'm not sure where to start. The short of it was that this was one of the best things I've read this year.

It is nearly impossible to describe the plot, but this is not a plot-driven book. It's weirder and bolder and chewier than The Saint of Bright Doors. To describe it at all, this is a book about two (ish???) characters whose various lives intertwine with each other across the timeline(s???), told in a series of simultaneously deeply interconnected but also wildly different stories. There's constantly recurring thematic motifs and threads, and I feel like the reader is asked to do a lot of work to try to connect the myriad of interconnected bits and bobs and hints in its various depths. I finished it and immediately considered starting again with my extra knowledge to try …

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reviewed Cetaganda by Lois McMaster Bujold (Vorkosigan Saga (7))

Lois McMaster Bujold: Cetaganda (Paperback, 1996, Baen Books) 4 stars


4 stars

One of the qualities that I love about the Vorkosigan series is that because it is so long, it allows Bujold to play with different genres between books. If The Vor Game is military SF, then Cetaganda is a mystery novel. Pedantically, this book is not really a mystery proper in the way that a reader could piece together the whodunit independently; however I think this is an example of "detective Miles" mode, and one that we'll see again in Memory and Komarr especially.

This book features Miles and Ivan on a diplomatic visit to Cetaganda for the funeral of the Cetagandan empress. Miles has to juggle investigating a plot that's trying to frame the Barrayarans (but why? and by whom?), hiding things from his superiors (by implying he's a higher level spy), trying to interface with the Cetaganda police about a murder investigation (while not giving things away to …

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quoted Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold (Vorkosigan Saga (1))

Lois McMaster Bujold: Shards of Honor (Hardcover, 2000, NESFA Press) 4 stars

The really unforgivable acts are committed by calm men in beautiful green silk rooms, who deal death wholesale, by the shipload, without lust, or anger, or desire, or any redeemable emotion to excuse them but cold fear of some pretended future. But the crimes they hope to prevent in that future are imaginary. The ones they commit in the present--they are real.

Shards of Honor by  (Vorkosigan Saga (1))

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Ursula K. Le Guin: The Telling (2003, Ace) 5 stars

Once a culturally rich world, the planet Aka has been utterly transformed by technology. Records …

Thoughtful tale of culture vs monoculture

5 stars

The cover blurb makes it sound like a cautionary tale about our highly-tech-dependent world (even in the 1990s!), but it's not the technology that's the problem. It's the homogenization of culture, and the insistence that there be one perspective, and only one perspective, that really matters.

Think of how we travel and find the same chain stores, chain restaurants, the ISO standard Irish Pub with its bric-a-brac decor, and how our TV and movies are full of endless reboots, spinoffs and sequels.

We see it first in Sutty's memories of Earth, controlled largely by a theocracy until contact with alien civilizations kicks their support out from under them. And then in the world she's trying to understand, one that's undergone a complete transformation in the time it took her to travel there at relativistic speed. She knows there were flourishing cultures here before she left Earth. She studied the few …