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Otto Rask

Joined 2 years, 3 months ago

Politics, history, software, product, organizations, management. And randomness.

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Otto Rask's books

Currently Reading

L. David Marquet: Turn the ship around! (2013, Penguin Books Ltd) 5 stars

Since Turn the Ship Around! was published in 2013, hundreds of thousands of readers have …

Interesting view of what unorthodox leadership can do to a team within a very strict and conservative organization

4 stars

Marquet writes well about their leadership style aboard a US navy submarine. Military is stereotypically hierarchical, rigid, and conservative when it comes to leadership and management. Marquet and Santa Fe (their submarine) proved that a new way of leading will result in better outcomes, now and down the line.

By employing leader-leader instead of leader-follower thinking, Marquet was able to transform one of the worst performing submarines of its fleet to one of the very best. People were given autonomy to lead on their own, and people became more objective-driven all across the crew. This resulted in a complete shift in how the sub operated and how it achieved results. Marquet talks about various somewhat generalized techniques they tried aboard Santa Fe which were aimed at making followers leaders, but they also do say that one has to apply them with context in mind in other organizations.

But what the …

Patrick Lencioni: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Hardcover, 2002, Jossey-Bass) 4 stars

After her first two weeks observing the problems at DecisionTech, Kathryn Petersen, its new CEO, …

Must read for managers, leaders, and those who aim to do so

4 stars

A short business fable (love 'em!) in which a newly appointed CEO is tasked with fixing a toxic leadership team at a mid-sized tech company. This is a not a tech company book. This is a leadership book. The fable goes over a fictional situation inside a for-profit company's execute team, but the learnings are entirely applicable to other places as well, be it a smaller team inside a company, a non-profit, a hobby club, a political party, or whatever. And by being realatively short (under 200 pages) the book is quite accessible.

Lencioni goes over five interlinked dysfunctions that they've seen in teams, and by power of story gives the reader an approachable overview of how they manifest and what can be done to fix things. At the end of the book Lencioni describes the five dysfunctions model in a practical way with actionables and questionnaires in addition to …

Julie Zhuo: The Making of a Manager (Hardcover, 2019, Portfolio) 4 stars

Okay primer for new managers

4 stars

This book was written by someone who seemingly has managerial experience solely at Facebook. Not a deal-breaker, but one should keep that in mind, as no two organizations are the same, and managers will deal with varying people and problems in varying contexts. Someone who has had a successful managerial career within a single company might make it seem like that kind of success is the default thing to expect on your career.

If you can look past that, you have to remember that this book was written with an USA audience in mind, meaning some guidance might even be bad for you, as some countries have labor laws in place to prevent certain styles of management for instance. Hiring and firing for instance can be very different between countries. Make sure to check local labor legislation and regulation when applying learnings from books like this one.

And if you …

Daniel Kahneman: Thinking, fast and slow (Hardcover, 2011, Farrar, Straus and Giroux) 4 stars

Kahneman introduces two modes of thought - system 1, fast and intuitive, and system 2, …

RIP Homo Economicus

4 stars

A good overview of how humans are, sadly, stupid dumbasses who assume too much, jump hastily into conclusions, and are blind to even simple logic errors when considering their actions and options.

Kahneman tries to make the read light and interesting, but I can say that unless you have some inherent interest in the topic of human behavior or brains or comparable, this will be a hard or boring read.

Daniel Coyle: The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups (2018) 4 stars

Culture Code: a good book about how culture shapes and is shaped by groups

4 stars

A good book based on the experiences of a dude who went observing and studying what constitutes a safe, strong, productive, and effective group. A group here might mean a company, a sports team, a classroom, or maybe a squad of SEALs.

The things Daniel finds out and how they laid out the book to describe how these things work at certain successful organizations is very helpful in terms of making concepts concrete such as building psychological safety, making people work as teams, measuring what matters, and making people aware of the environment they're working in and how it might effect results.

The book is very "leader-oriented", e.g. it mostly assumes that there is a strong and/or respected leader who has to make change happen. I somewhat disagree with this notion and I would suggest reading Humanocracy in addition to this book, while also taking the time to read up …

Melissa Perri: Escaping the Build Trap (2019) 4 stars

Escaping the Build Trap is a good primer for outcome-first thinking

4 stars

A good book on product management for anyone looking for ways to shift their organization away from manufacturing features to actually thinking about what features to build.

Contains ideas, guidance, and suggestions for all levels of problems: mindset, strategy, roadmapping, team level approaches, and concrete daily work tools or methods.

Perri uses language a normal person (though acquainted with the field) understands. The book is not super long either. Some folks might find the book a tad shallow, but this book is not aimed for already-outcome-driven product veterans anyway.