Journalist på Sydsvenskan. Finns mest på Mastodon:
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Lueskelen kaikenlaista monella kielellä, ja kirjoitankin.
Нова книжка знаного українського й американського історика Сергія Плохія уміщує нариси про Україну від ранньомодерних …
Цікаво й корисно
4 stars
Дуже цікаве та корисне зібрання статей про українських істориків і про те, як у різні епохи писали історію України. Не всі статті однаково актуальні сьогодні, але особливо те, що Плохій пише про використання історії в політиці та про викладання історії в школах дуже злободенно.
Нова книжка знаного українського й американського історика Сергія Плохія уміщує нариси про Україну від ранньомодерних часів до сучасності. Три розділи …
The story is about Willie Stark, a slick politician of humble birth, who was based …
Of life, universe and politics
5 stars
I picked up the book because a respected Russian political scientist, now living in the West, mentioned that it made a lasting impression on him during his childhood and taught him much about politics. The book was published in Russian in the Soviet Union in 1968 and was adapted into a Soviet film three years later, though the movie omits much of the original content.
I didn't know what to expect, but the book turned out to be about much more than just politics and politicians. It was clear that the author was not only familiar with the circumstances in the US South during the 1930s, but also with the work of a news reporter from that era. I even suspected he might have been a reporter himself, which he never was.
It's evident that populist politics in the US South and Fascist Italy served as inspiration for the author. …
I picked up the book because a respected Russian political scientist, now living in the West, mentioned that it made a lasting impression on him during his childhood and taught him much about politics. The book was published in Russian in the Soviet Union in 1968 and was adapted into a Soviet film three years later, though the movie omits much of the original content.
I didn't know what to expect, but the book turned out to be about much more than just politics and politicians. It was clear that the author was not only familiar with the circumstances in the US South during the 1930s, but also with the work of a news reporter from that era. I even suspected he might have been a reporter himself, which he never was.
It's evident that populist politics in the US South and Fascist Italy served as inspiration for the author. However, the resulting story is universal, focusing less on politics and more on the human condition.
A house embedded with an artificial intelligence …
But why did it end?
5 stars
This is a book I wanted to read immediately when I found out it existed, because I very much liked Arkady Martines two earlier, totally different novels. Then I found the book actually didn't exist, or only kind of. It was printed but is out of print and the e-book is not available either, as the rights according to the publisher now have reverted to the author.
There seems to be a new edition coming at the end of the year, but right now the only way to access the book legally seems to be to listen to the audio version through a streaming service which I'm not going to subscribe to, even if I was into audio books, or to learn French, which might prove even more time-consuming than waiting for the new edition.
In the end I did find a way to access the book anyway, and I …
This is a book I wanted to read immediately when I found out it existed, because I very much liked Arkady Martines two earlier, totally different novels. Then I found the book actually didn't exist, or only kind of. It was printed but is out of print and the e-book is not available either, as the rights according to the publisher now have reverted to the author.
There seems to be a new edition coming at the end of the year, but right now the only way to access the book legally seems to be to listen to the audio version through a streaming service which I'm not going to subscribe to, even if I was into audio books, or to learn French, which might prove even more time-consuming than waiting for the new edition.
In the end I did find a way to access the book anyway, and I was not disappointed. The writing is exquisite as is the world building. However, the ending was somewhat unexpected and abrupt, I would have hoped there was more to tell. Who knows, maybe threre will be?
Because her mom is always on the move, Steph hasn't lived anyplace longer than six …
An educational thriller
4 stars
This is obviously a young adult book, and I am an old adult. I enjoyed the book anyway, even though some passages are a bit too educational. Interesting thoughts about how a real AI might relate to humans and the physical world.
Hyvää, sanoi mustapartainen mies. Tämäkin on kirjassa mukana. Mutta ei päivää, vaan kahvia. Mainioita oivalluksia siellä täällä, sanoilla leikkimistä, ajatuksia herättävää. Myös sekavaa ja väliin käsittämätöntä. Loppu alussa, tai alku lopussa. Kirja on esineenäkin taideteos, mutta jotenkin minun makuuni homma jää keskeneräiseksi. Kai vaatii minulta lukijana enemmän ajattelemista kuin mihin olen valmis.
Vuoden pakolaisnaisen omakohtainen esikoisromaani ravistelee ytimiä myöten.
Äiti saattaa pelosta tärisevän tyttärensä hääsviitin ovelle. Tätä …
Vahva tarina
4 stars
Omaelämäkerrallinen kirja jonka tarina kantaa pitkälle. Kirjaa on vaikea laskea käsistä. Tekstiä olisi tosin muutamassa paikassa voinut hioa hieman enemmän, ja erityisesti lopussa on hieman liikaa selitystä asioista jotka ovat selittämättäkin selviä. Show, don't tell.
In February 2022, Russian missiles rained on Ukrainian cities, and tanks rolled towards Kyiv to …
5 stars
I liked this book very much. It shows how Ukraine and Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union chose different paths, and how this led to the current total confrontation. In this book, the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian political elites are shown as the independent actors making rational decisions, not puppets of the west or the Kremlin. The authors do not ignore the differing historical narratives, neither do they choose to follow one of them. Instead, they show how these narratives are being used politically by the different actors.
There is some repetition and the language could have just a little bit of polishing here and there, but on the whole, very close to 5 stars.