Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in this thrilling and romantic book from award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. Signed, Blue.”
So begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents in a war that stretches through the vast reaches of time and space.
Red belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. Blue belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. Their pasts are bloody and their futures mutually exclusive. They have nothing in common—save that they’re the best, and they’re alone.
Now what began as a battlefield boast grows into a dangerous game, one both Red and Blue are determined to win. Because winning’s what you do in war. Isn’t it?
A tour de force collaboration from …
Two time-traveling agents from warring futures, working their way through the past, begin to exchange letters—and fall in love in this thrilling and romantic book from award-winning authors Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
In the ashes of a dying world, Red finds a letter marked “Burn before reading. Signed, Blue.”
So begins an unlikely correspondence between two rival agents in a war that stretches through the vast reaches of time and space.
Red belongs to the Agency, a post-singularity technotopia. Blue belongs to Garden, a single vast consciousness embedded in all organic matter. Their pasts are bloody and their futures mutually exclusive. They have nothing in common—save that they’re the best, and they’re alone.
Now what began as a battlefield boast grows into a dangerous game, one both Red and Blue are determined to win. Because winning’s what you do in war. Isn’t it?
A tour de force collaboration from two powerhouse writers that spans the whole of time and space.
This is probably someone's favourite book of the year. It's not mine - it's pretty far from the kind of stuff I usually love - and I was still really impressed and moved.
A love story with a backdrop of a paradimensional war, with the focus on beautiful writing and all the worldbuilding strictly as an afterthought. This is a novel that knows exactly what it wants to be and succeeds in that admirably. There's nothing superfluous here, only beautiful prose and a story that cannot but end tragically. Maybe.
Review of 'This Is How You Lose the Time War' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Very enjoyable, quite romantic (even if I'm not that big of a fan of the enemies to lovers trope) and tells us a very important lesson: you win the time war by not writing about paradoxes, meeting your grandparents or much of the details of time travel in general.
Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladsonte's "This is How You Lose the Time War" follows two agents, Red and Blue, on opposite sides of a war that spans all of time and (some of?) space across multiple universes.
Each chapter starts with a snapshot of what each agent is doing to advance their side's cause, whether that's taking part in major historical events or planting the seeds for 'coincidences' in the future, and ends with the discovery of a letter from their counterpart. What begins as acknowledgements of respect, nods across the battlefield, gradually grow into something more.
Fans of science fiction may be disappointed by the lack of focus on the time-traveling, universe-hopping backdrop to this story of star-crossing lovers. Details are sparse, and little is disclosed about the factions or why they are at war other than hints and impressions throughout the book.
The gradual, tip-toeing romance between Red …
Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladsonte's "This is How You Lose the Time War" follows two agents, Red and Blue, on opposite sides of a war that spans all of time and (some of?) space across multiple universes.
Each chapter starts with a snapshot of what each agent is doing to advance their side's cause, whether that's taking part in major historical events or planting the seeds for 'coincidences' in the future, and ends with the discovery of a letter from their counterpart. What begins as acknowledgements of respect, nods across the battlefield, gradually grow into something more.
Fans of science fiction may be disappointed by the lack of focus on the time-traveling, universe-hopping backdrop to this story of star-crossing lovers. Details are sparse, and little is disclosed about the factions or why they are at war other than hints and impressions throughout the book.
The gradual, tip-toeing romance between Red and Blue via their elegantly composed letters is the strength of this book. There is a sweetness as the characters, hovering just beyond what one might call "human", discover that they are capable of such love, and for who should be their mortal enemy, no less. Readers who never tire of "Romeo and Juliette" will find much to love in "This is How You Lose the Time War".
Review of 'Tällä tavalla hävitään aikasota' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Hertan scifikirjojen valikoima jatkaa ilahduttamista. Tällä tavalla hävitään aikasota on paljon ylistetty scifitarina, joka on rohmunnut pitkän listan palkintoja: se on muun muassa napannut arvostettujen scifipalkintojen kolmen suoran eli parhaan pienoisromaanin Hugon, Nebulan ja Locuksen ja lukuisia muita palkintoja ja ehdokkuuksia.
Amal El-Mohtarin ja Max Gladstonen kirjoittama pienoisromaani kuvaa kirjeenvaihtoa kahden aikasotaa käyvän agentin välillä. Viraston puolesta taisteleva Punainen löytää taistelukentän tuhkista kirjeen. Hän oli jo taistelun aikana huomannut, että jokin oli pielessä; muutama yksityiskohta taistelussa ei mennyt niinkuin piti, Punainen aisti varmoja merkkejä vihollisen toiminnasta. Taistelukentällä ei pitäisi olla – mutta siellä on – kirjettä, kermanvalkeaa paperiarkkia, jossa lukee yksi ainoa rivi: “Poltettava ennen lukemista”.
Tällainen kirje on tietysti hirvittävän vaarallinen. Sen lukeminen itsessään voidaan katsoa jo petokseksi Virastoa kohtaan. Se voi myös olla ansa. Parasta olisi vain lähteä ja jättää kirje. Punainen ei kuitenkaan voi vastustaa haastetta. Hän polttaa kirjeen ja näkee, kuinka palavaan kirjeeseen muodostuu kirjaimia. …
Hertan scifikirjojen valikoima jatkaa ilahduttamista. Tällä tavalla hävitään aikasota on paljon ylistetty scifitarina, joka on rohmunnut pitkän listan palkintoja: se on muun muassa napannut arvostettujen scifipalkintojen kolmen suoran eli parhaan pienoisromaanin Hugon, Nebulan ja Locuksen ja lukuisia muita palkintoja ja ehdokkuuksia.
Amal El-Mohtarin ja Max Gladstonen kirjoittama pienoisromaani kuvaa kirjeenvaihtoa kahden aikasotaa käyvän agentin välillä. Viraston puolesta taisteleva Punainen löytää taistelukentän tuhkista kirjeen. Hän oli jo taistelun aikana huomannut, että jokin oli pielessä; muutama yksityiskohta taistelussa ei mennyt niinkuin piti, Punainen aisti varmoja merkkejä vihollisen toiminnasta. Taistelukentällä ei pitäisi olla – mutta siellä on – kirjettä, kermanvalkeaa paperiarkkia, jossa lukee yksi ainoa rivi: “Poltettava ennen lukemista”.
Tällainen kirje on tietysti hirvittävän vaarallinen. Sen lukeminen itsessään voidaan katsoa jo petokseksi Virastoa kohtaan. Se voi myös olla ansa. Parasta olisi vain lähteä ja jättää kirje. Punainen ei kuitenkaan voi vastustaa haastetta. Hän polttaa kirjeen ja näkee, kuinka palavaan kirjeeseen muodostuu kirjaimia. Kirjeen on lähettänyt Sininen, joka taistelee aikasodassa Puutarhan puolella.
Kohtaamme Sinisen puolestaan 2000-luvun sairaalassa, joka on evakuoitu. Sinisen piti varmistaa tartunta, saada eräs lääkäri kiinnostumaan tietystä bakteerikannasta, vaikuttaa maailman asenteisiin biologista sodankäyntiä kohtaan. Tehtävä kuitenkin epäonnistui, ja Sininen löytää vain tyhjän sairaalan ja sieltä vesipurkin, jossa on merkintä “Luetaan kiehauttamalla”. Kiehuvan veden lämpötilojen yksityiskohdista löytyy vastauskirje Punaiselta.
Näin Sininen ja Punainen antautuvat vaaralliseen kirjeenvaihtoon. Kirjeitä toimitetaan mitä mielikuvituksellisemmin tavoin ja pikkuhiljaa kirjeenvaihdon sävy muuttuu. Vastakkaisilla puolilla sotivien agenttien kerskailusta tulee jotain syvällisempää. Kenties jopa rakkautta? Mutta Viraston ja Puutarhan agenttien välillä ei missään nimessä saisi olla tällaista yhteyttä, kun käynnissä on kuitenkin aikasota, joka toisen osapuolen vain on voitettava.
Tarina on kahden kirjoittajan työtä. Max Gladstone on yhdysvaltalainen scifikirjailija ja Amar El-Mohtar kanadalainen kirjailija ja runoilija. Vaikka teos onkin kirjemuodossa kerrottu, Clarkesworldissa julkaistun haastattelun mukaan kirjailijat kirjoittivat sen toistensa seurassa. Gladstone kirjoitti Punaisen osuudet, El-Mohtar Sinisen. Toinen kirjoitti kirjeen, toinen sitten olosuhteet, joissa kirje vastaanotettiin. Tämä onkin oivallinen tapa sovittaa yhteen kahden erilaisen kirjoittajan tyylit. Mitään häiritsevää eriparisuutta ei lopputuloksesta huomaa. Suomentaja Kaisa Rannalla on ollut jokunen kiperä paikka suomennoksessa, mutta niistä on selvitty kunnialla. Eräskin hylkeisiin liittyvä sanaleikki ei toimi suomeksi aivan yhtä notkeasti kuin alkuperäisessä, mutta kunnialla Ranta on siitäkin selvinnyt.
Tällä tavalla hävitään aikasota on palkintonsa ansainnut. Se on aivan ihastuttava rakkaustarina eriskummallisen aikojen halki käytävän sodan keskellä. Kirja on tiivis ja tunnelma tiivistyy tarinan edetessä hienosti. Tämä on hyvin rakennettu teos, todellista herkkua sekä kirjeromaanien, rakkaustarinoiden että aikamatkustusscifin ystäville.
The review praises "How to Lose a Time War" as a highly acclaimed science fiction story that has garnered numerous prestigious awards like the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards. Written collaboratively by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone, the novella revolves around correspondence between agents from opposing sides of a time war.
The narrative unfolds through letters discovered amidst battlefields, revealing a forbidden connection between Red and Blue agents. Despite the rules against such interaction, they engage in a perilous exchange that evolves from rivalry to something deeper, possibly even love, amidst the backdrop of a war that demands their opposition.
The collaborative writing process seamlessly blends the styles of both authors, maintaining a cohesive narrative. While the translation by Kaisa Ranta encounters some challenges, overall, it captures the essence of the story well. The review concludes by describing the novella as a delightful love story set within the complexities of time travel and war, catering to enthusiasts of epistolary novels, romance, and time-travel science fiction.
Beautiful novella! A lot of it is very abstract, on purpose. Like, how unlikely is it that two agents from rivaling parties both name themselves after colours, Blue and Red? It doesn't matter. Neither do the specific missions. The war events. The time strands.
What does matter, are the letters they send each other. The Seeker following them everywhere, snorting teapots like cocaine. And how they lose and win the time war.
Bonus points for the writing method (the two authors wrote the letters to each other, one after another, and built the universe that way). Bonus points for wlw romance. Bonus points for singing Steven Universe songs while writing the book. Bonus points for posing with swords on the backcover photo.
If you like books where you don't get all the answers, that aren't necessarily linear, and are more about prose and gut-wrenching heartache, you'll enjoy this book. It's art. If you don't like artsy books, you probably should pick something else to read.
I can't decide if this would have worked better (for me) as a short story, or a full length book.
If it was longer, it could have expanded on it's ideas. If it had been shorter, it wouldn't have felt so repetetive.
There is some good ideas here, but they deserve better than being hand waved away.
How do Red and Blue target their letters to each other across strands of time? If there are certain contested junctures in time, shouldn't they be swarmed with agents, and multiple aspects of the same agents? If the protagonists are just cogs in two massive opposing machines battling for supremacy over all time - why does it seems like they are the only two operators in the field?
I'm not saying this is a bad book, there is a lot good writing here. But it didn't work for me.
Two highly subjective stars. …
I can't decide if this would have worked better (for me) as a short story, or a full length book.
If it was longer, it could have expanded on it's ideas. If it had been shorter, it wouldn't have felt so repetetive.
There is some good ideas here, but they deserve better than being hand waved away.
How do Red and Blue target their letters to each other across strands of time? If there are certain contested junctures in time, shouldn't they be swarmed with agents, and multiple aspects of the same agents? If the protagonists are just cogs in two massive opposing machines battling for supremacy over all time - why does it seems like they are the only two operators in the field?
I'm not saying this is a bad book, there is a lot good writing here. But it didn't work for me.
Two highly subjective stars. (I'm going to hold of actually rating as there are so few reviews here yet)
"This is How You Lose the Time War" asks the reader to perch on the shoulders of two operatives on opposing sides of a time-traveling war.
Each chapter follows "Red" or "Blue" as they scurry up and down timelines and across dimensions. The book is both sweepingly broad and extremely contained and personal.
The settings flit by, dizzying: a temple for mechanized humans, an ancient holy cave, the assassination of Caesar - each sketched with broad, emotional strokes to give the setting an aesthetic. One gets the sense that a great web of cause and effect is being constantly constructed, altered, and destroyed, without ever seeing the full picture.
Against these backdrops, the characters "Red" and "Blue" write to each other - as nemeses, then as friends, ever deeper entangled even as they demolish each other's plans and forces. The letters make up an enormous part of the experience, and …
"This is How You Lose the Time War" asks the reader to perch on the shoulders of two operatives on opposing sides of a time-traveling war.
Each chapter follows "Red" or "Blue" as they scurry up and down timelines and across dimensions. The book is both sweepingly broad and extremely contained and personal.
The settings flit by, dizzying: a temple for mechanized humans, an ancient holy cave, the assassination of Caesar - each sketched with broad, emotional strokes to give the setting an aesthetic. One gets the sense that a great web of cause and effect is being constantly constructed, altered, and destroyed, without ever seeing the full picture.
Against these backdrops, the characters "Red" and "Blue" write to each other - as nemeses, then as friends, ever deeper entangled even as they demolish each other's plans and forces. The letters make up an enormous part of the experience, and they are comic, intimate... poignant. I didn't give a damn about the war - I just wanted these two characters to be alright.
I loved it. I stayed up past midnight every day I was reading, which wasn't long because I had to see what came next and kept reading.
How do you have a love story between two beings separated by war, time and dimensions? With covert letters. They may be written in seeds or lava flows, but letters nevertheless.
Review of 'This Is How You Lose the Time War' on 'Goodreads'
5 stars
I've had this sitting on my Kindle for a while, but I'm glad I waited in a way as it was the perfect choice for my last book of the year. Somewhere between a simple love story (but see Blue's thoughts on Romeo and Juliet) and the saving of the entire universe, it fits so much in such a small space and creates so many thoughts and images. A wonderful book, heartily recommended.
Review of 'This Is How You Lose the Time War' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Une chasse à travers le temps, une histoire d’amour construite à travers les époques. Assez unique et parfois très beau, égarant à certains moments mais finalement émouvant.